Saturday, October 2, 2010

About Maori Tattoos Design 2010

About Maori Tattoos Design 2010About Maori Tattoos Design 2010

About Maori Tattoos Design 2011About Maori Tattoos Design 2011

About Maori Tattoos Design 2010About Maori Tattoos Design 2010
There are still Maoris that can trace their history with these maori tattoos, some chiefs can look at a Maori tattoo design, read it like a book, they do this by feeling the texture, looking at the design and the precision that went into getting the tattoo and will be able to trace back some of these Maori family trees. There are designs that date back over a 2,000 year period in maori history, these chiefs have the skill and ability by looking at the design and are able to tell how far this tattoo dates back to or this particular design origins.

What most people don't realise when looking at a design is that they tell a story, though they look like a swirl or twirl to us, they actually tell a full story when you know how to read these tattoos.

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