Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Christian Cross Tattoo

A Christian Cross Tattoo A Christian Cross Tattoo

A Christian Cross Tattoo A Christian Cross Tattoo

A Christian Cross Tattoo

A Christian Cross Tattoo A Christian Cross Tattoo

This is a compact, but quite prominent symbol that lends itself well to tattooing, especially in black. The fish symbol is a great illustration based on assorted biblical references, a stylized fish symbol is frequently used as a symbol of Christ. Besides the cross, there are other Christian images that are often used in Christian cross tattoos. Other popular Christian cross tattoo images include the Celtic cross (probably one of the most popular Christian tattoos of all), the Russian cross, and the Egyptian 'ankh', a cross with a circular shape on top, the ancient Egyptian symbol for 'life'.

Other cross tattoos consists of crossed nails such as big, rough looking nails like those that were used to hang Jesus on the cross. Some cross tattoos show Jesus on the cross, while others show the cross, often with realistic wood graining, with a crown of thorns hung over one arm. Christian cross tattoos portraying a variety of the cross are always abundant; after all, this is the most appropriate and most familiar Christian image of all. A great variety of Christian symbols have been turned into tattoo images, none more so than the cross.

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