Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos 2010

You could walk past the common man in any Indian street with your Sanskrit tattoos and none of them would be able to read what it says. On the other hand, only priests still learn Sanskrit. In this respect, it is similar to the other major religions in the world. Formally, tattoos are taboo in Hinduism.

So it is quite possible that Indians already had tattoos in their distant history. However, we know that henna temporary tattoos have been used by women in India and the Middle East for many hundreds of years, and we also know that India was quite technologically advanced in ancient times (India was producing and exporting high quality steel when Europe could barely produce poor quality iron). No one knows now. Did Sanskrit tattoo designs exist in ancient India? In this respect, Sanskrit shares the same fate as Latin.

Today, Sanskrit is only used in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. It was originally a language used for the Hindu religion, then expanded into royal Indian courts, and eventually found its way into everyday use. Historians date it to before 1500 BC. Sanskrit is ancient.

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